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В статье рассматриваются переговоры между США и Великобританией во время Второй мировой войны о послевоенной международной торговой системе. США в условиях своего экономического превосходства настаивали на свободе торговли, британская же сторона с некоторым успехом добивалась ограничений, чтобы оградить себя от нежелательной конкуренции.
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Дополнительные библиографические источники и материалы

  1. Kindleberger Ch. The World in Depression, 1929-1939. Berkeley, 1973, р. 172.
  2. Hudec R. F. The GATT Legal System and World Trade Diplomacy. New York, 1975, p. 5.
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  4. League of Nations. World Economic Survey 1932/33. Geneva, 1933, р. 193.
  5. Hudec R. F. Op. cit., p. 5.
  6. Сидоров А.А. Бреттон-Вудская конференция и строительство послевоенного мирового порядка. - Вестник Московского университета, серия 25. Международные отношения и мировая политика, 2014, № 4, с. 140-184
  7. The Memoirs of Cordell Hull. New York, 1948, v. I, p. 84.
  8. Ibid., p. 82.
  9. International Trade Organization. Hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Finance. Eightieth Congress, First session, on March 20, 21, 24-27, 29, 31, April 1-3, 1947, pt. 1. Washington (D.C.), 1947, p. 41.
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  23. Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State (Acheson), July 28, 1941. - FRUS, 1941, v. III, p. 15.
  24. Ibid., p. 11.
  25. Mr. J. M. Keynes, Financial Adviser to the British Government, to the Assistant Secretary of State (Acheson), New York, July 29, 1941. - FRUS, 1941, v. III, р. 16-17.
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  37. The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State, London, December 14, 1941. - FRUS, 1941, v. III, p. 50.
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  40. Wilson Th. A. Op. cit., р. 278.
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  42. U.S. Department of State Bulletin. February 28, 1942, p. 190.
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  44. Meade J.M. A Proposal for an International Commercial Union, 1942. - World Economy. December 1987 (printed 1942), р. 402-403.
  45. A Proposal for an International Commercial Union, 1 August 1942. - http://www.worldtradelaw. net/misc/Proposal for International Commercial Union.pdf.download
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  47. Cairncross A., Watts N. Op. cit., р. 101.
  48. Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, v. XXV, p. 253, 261.
  49. The World Trade Organization. World Trade Report 2011. Geneva, 2011, р. 51.
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  51. Amery L. S. The Empire at Bay: The Leo Amery Diaries, 1929-1945. London, 1988, р. 880-881.
  52. Dalton H. Op. cit., р. 577.
  53. McKenzie F. Redefining the Bonds of Commonwealth, 1939-1948: The Politics of Preference. New York, 2002, р. 99.
  54. См. FRUS, 1941, v. III, р. 112-128.
  55. Discontinuance of Discussions between the United States and the United Kingdom Regarding Feasibility of a More Extensive Trade Agreement and Related Discussions with British Dominions. The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant). Washington, August 19, 1943. - FRUS, 1943, v. III, р. 107-108.
  56. Pressnell L. S. Op. cit., р. 116.
  57. Memorandum Concerning the Washington Meeting Between British and American Economic Experts With Reference to Article VII of the Mutual Aid Agreement. - FRUS, 1943, I, р. 766-768.
  58. Irwin D.A., Mavroidis P. C., Sykes A. O. Op. cit., р. 48-49.
  59. USDS. Interim Report of Special Committee on Relaxation of Trade Barriers. December 8, 1943.
  60. Gardner R. N. Op. cit., p. 102.
  61. USDS. Interim Report of Special Committee on Relaxation of Trade Barriers. December 8, 1943, p. 16.
  62. Pressnell L. S. Op. cit., р. 131.
  63. Amery L. S. Op. cit., р. 978.
  64. Robbins L. Autobiography of an Economist. London, 1971, р. 203-204.
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  66. President Roosevelt to the Secretary of State. Washington, September 6, 1944. - FRUS, 1944, v. II, p. 71-72, 87.
  67. U.S. Department of State Bulletin, December 3, 1944, p. 660.
  68. См. Acheson Testimony, November 30, 1944. Post-War Economic Policy and Planning. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Foreign Trade and Shipping of the Special Committee on Post-War Economic Policy and Planning. U. S. Congress, House of the Representatives, 78th Congress, 2nd Session. Washington, 1944, p. 1071-1098.
  69. Meade J. E. Op. cit., р. 14.
  70. Американский отчет о встрече см.: The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State. London, December 7, 1944. - FRUS, 1944, v. II, р. 99-101.
  71. The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State. London, March 12, 1945. - FRUS, 1945, v. VI, р. 29-30.
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  73. Fossedal G. A. Our Finest Hour: Will Clayton, the Marshall Plan, and the Triumph of Democracy. Stanford, 1993, р. 136.
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  81. Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, v. XXV, р. 410.
  82. The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State. London, June 28, 1945. - FRUS, 1945, v. VI, р. 57.
  83. Robertson R. M. History of the American Economy. New York, 1973, p. 663-664.
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  85. The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant). Washington, August 9, 1945. - FRUS, 1945, v. VI, р. 88-89.
  86. The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State. London, August 11, 1945. - FRUS, 1945, v. VI, р. 92.
  87. Minutes of a Meeting of the United States-United Kingdom Combined Top Committee, Held at the State Department. September 11, 1945. - FRUS, 1945, v. VI, р. 126.
  88. Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to President Truman. Washington, September 7, 1945. Subject: Proposal to Establish an International Trade Organization. - FRUS, 1945, v. VI, р. 117.
  89. The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant). Washington, October 2, 1945. - FRUS, 1945, VI, p. 137.
  90. См. Rooth T. Britain's Other Dollar Problem: Economic Relations with Canada, 1945-1950. - Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, January 1999, p. 81-108.
  91. McKenzie F. Op. cit., р. 72-73.
  92. Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series I, v. III: Britain and America: Negotiation of the United States Loan 3 August - 7 December 1945. London, 1986, p. 200.
  93. The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant). Washington, October 31, 1945. - FRUS, 1945, v. VI, р. 152.
  94. U.S. Department of State Bulletin. December 9, 1945, р. 920.
  95. The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant). Washington, October 4, 1945. - FRUS, 1945, v. VI, р. 140.
  96. The Secretary of State to the Charge in the United Kingdom (Gallman). Washington, October 9, 1945. - FRUS, 1945, v. VI, р. 144.
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  98. The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant). Washington, November 5, 1945. - FRUS, 1945, v. VI, р. 155-156.
  99. Reynolds D. Brittania Overruled, British Policy and World Power in the Twentieth Century. London, 1991, р. 301.
  100. Irwin D.A., Mavroidis P. C., Sykes A. O. Op. cit., p. 71.
  101. U.S. Department of State Bulletin. December 9, 1945, p. 906.
  102. Ibid., p. 915.
  103. The World Trade Organization. World Trade Report 2011, р. 51.


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