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В статье представлен анализ позиции Церквей в Руанде во время кровавой резни в стране в 1994 г. и отдельных представителей различных конфессий.
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Дополнительные библиографические источники и материалы

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8.  Gourevitch Ph. We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with our Families: Stories from Rwanda. New York, 1998, p. 22-23.  
9.  Theunis G. Le Role de l'Eglise Catholique dans les Evenements Recents. - Les Crises Politiques au Burundi et au Rwanda. Lille, 1995, p. 293.  
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19.  The prosecutor v. Emmanuel Rukundo. Case №. ICTR-2001-70-T. Judgement, 27 February 2009, p. 30-52. - URL: www.refworld.org/pdfid/49be1c0e2  
20.  The prosecutor against Samuel Musabyimana. Case №. ICTR-2001-62-I. Judgement, 27 February 2009, p. 5. - URL: http://www.ictrcaselaw.org/docs/doc23432  
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27.  Africa UK sanctuary for alleged killer. - BBC News. 30 April 1999. - URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/331751.stm; McGreal Ch. Murder of Rwandan innocents. - The Guardian, 7.II.2000.  
28.  Jugement du Tribunal militaire au premier degre du 24 octobre 2008. - Le proces "exemplaire" de l'assassinat des eveques et des membres du clerge catholiques a Kabgayi (Gitarama) le 5 juin 1994, p. 41. - URL: http://rwandadelaguerreaugenocide.univ-paris1.fr/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/ Annexe_128  
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39.  Churches in the Thick of Rwandan violence. - The Christian Century, 8.XI.1995, p. 1041-1042  
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41.  Tincq H. Le fardeau rwandais de Jean Paul II. - Le Monde, 23.V.1996; The Protestant Churches and the Genocide. - All Africa, 3.XII.1998.  
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44.  McGreal Ch. Rwanda 10 years on.  
45.  Goering L. Islam blooms in genocide's wake. - Chicago Tribune, 5.VIII.2002.  
46.  McCullum H. The Angels Have Left Us: The Rwanda Tragedy and the Churches. Geneva, 1995, р. XI.  


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