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6. Annual Register. A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad for the Year 1946. London, 1947.
7. Beckett C., Beckett F. Bevan. London, 2004.
8. Bevan E. In Place of Fear. London, 1952.
9. Bevan A., Strachey J., Strauss G. What we saw in Russia. London, 1931.
10. Brome V. Aneurin Bevan: A Biography. London, 1953.
11. Campbell J. Aneurin Bevan and the Mirage of British Socialism. London - New York, 1987.
12. Cole G. D. H., Bevan A., Griffiths J., Easterbrook L. F., Beveridge W., Laski H. Plan for Britain. A Collection of Essays prepared for the Fabian Society. London, 1943.
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14. Crossman R. The Backbench Diaries. Ed. by J. Morgan. London, 1981.
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16. Dictionary of Labour Biography. Ed. by G. Rosen. London, 2001.
17. Evans J. N. Great Figures in the Labour Movement. London, 1966.
18. Foot M. Aneurin Bevan. A Biography. Vol. I. 1897-1945. London, 1962; Vol. II. 1945-1960. London, 1973.
19. Gaitskell H. The Diary. 1945-1956. Ed. by P.M. Williams. London, 1983.
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23. Jenkins M. Bevanism. Labour’s High Tide. Bristol, 1979.
24. Jenkins R. Churchill. London, 2001.
25. Krug M. M. Aneurin Bevan: Cautious Rebel. New York, 1961.
26. Labour Party Election Manifesto 1945. - URL: http://www.labour-party.org.uk/manifestos/1945/1945-labour-manifesto.shtml (дата обращения 17.02.20).
27. Labour Party Election Manifesto 1950. - URL: http://www.labour-party.org.uk/manifestos/1950/1950-labour-manifesto.shtml (дата обращения 17.02.20).
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31. One Way Only. A Tribune Pamphlet. London, 1951.
32. Parliament Act 1949. - URL: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo6/12-13-14/103 (дата обращения 17.02.20).
33. Report of the 32-rd, 37-th, 38-th, 46-th, 51-st, 53-rd, 56-th, 58-th Annual Conferences of the Labour Party. London, 1937-1959.
34. Rintala M. Creating the National Health Service: Aneurin Bevan and the Medical Lords. London, 2005.
35. Thomas-Symonds N. Nye: The Political Life of Aneurin Bevan. London, 2014.
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