1. Dolgilevich R, V, V teni berlinskoi steny. Ekonomika Zapadnogo Berlina (1961—1965 gg.) [In the shadow of the Berlin wall. The economy of West Berlin (1961 — 1965)]. Saint-Petersburg, 2013. (In Russ.)
2. Dolgilevich R, V, Sovetskaia diplomatiia i Zapadnyi Berlin (1963—1964 gg.) [Soviet diplomacy and West Berlin (1963—1964)]. Saint-Petersburg, 2012. (In Russ.)
3. Dolgilevich R, V, Sovetskaia diplomatiia i Zapadnyi Berlin (1965—1969 gg.) [Soviet diplomacy and West Berlin (1965—1969)]. Saint-Petersburg, 2012. (In Russ.)
4. Dolgilevich R, V, Stanovlenie i razvitie priamykh svi- azei mezhdu SSSR i Zapadnym Berlinom (1963— 1964 gg.) [The formation and development of direct ties between the USSR and West Berlin (1963—1964)]. Saint- Petersburg, 2014. (In Russ.)
5. Dolgilevich R, V, «Tretii berlinskii krizis». 1969 god. — Novaia i noveishaia istoriia ["The Third Berlin Crisis." 1969 year. — Modern and Contemporary History], 2016, № 2, c. 34—50. (In Russ.)
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